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113TH MONTH PAY ON HOLD Empty 13TH MONTH PAY ON HOLD Mon Jan 05, 2015 3:31 pm


Arresto Menor

Dear Moderator,

I was a former Systems Analyst at a manufacturing company namely Novistelle International Corporation located at Sauyo, Novaliches for almost 8 months (July 2013 - April 2014).

During my stay at the company, I was assigned to handle an annual Bodega Sale 2014, since no one is available to conduct it, even though it's not under my job description as Systems Analyst (IT) I still accepted it.

What I did is to manage and organize the furniture, record every person who will reserve and buy an item, the payment will go to their AP Accountant. All of my transaction was recorded and I have already submitted it and they had already audited it last February 2014.

My records include an excel file wherein I frequently update during Bodega Sale, and a hardcopy of photos and item remaining count.

After I resigned I have another SA to turnover my task which is Ms. V***, but she also resigned after few months and their current analyst is Mr. D***.

Now, they put my 13th month on hold and claimed that there were missing items. I immediately contacted them and ask what can I do to solve this issue. They requested for my records which I already provided to them. They also want to recount the items and if there's deficiencies with my records they will not sign my clearance. (By the way, I haven't got my clearance when I resigned because the HR during that time also resigned.)
I still managed to process my clearance when I returned to the company by December 2014. The problem is they don't want to complete my clearance because of Bodega Sale.

I keep on contacting them and following-up any updates but they don't respond anymore. They can't present to me any proof that there were lost items, aside from that I am not the last person before their current SA. In addition to that, I left last April 2014, how can they be sure that the items that were lost (if there is) was not from May 2014 - Present?

I just thought they're not being fair and keep on saying excuses to hold me. Please help me. I did what I can to satisfy their request still they do not respond. What else can I do?

This is their hotline 9396971

Thank you so much. I appreciate any help you will offer.

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