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Do I need to update/change my birth certificate details?

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Arresto Menor

Good evening!

My mother recently discovered that her original birth certificate lists her first name as "Tessie" instead of "Teresita", which is what she's using ever since. She has gone through the process of changing her name on almost all her documents (SSS, Marriage Contract, etc) back to "Tessie".

Now my question is, do we (her children) need to have changes on our own birth certificates so as to conform with her real registered name of "Tessie"?

If yes, how urgent or how important is it? What are the possible implications if we just let our birth certificates say that our mother's name is "Teresita"?

We've been hearing a lot of different 'legal' opinions from different people and I would like some professional advise about this matter. Thank you in advance! Surprised

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