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change entry in the birth certificate

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1change entry in the birth certificate Empty change entry in the birth certificate Wed Apr 05, 2017 1:06 pm


Arresto Menor

Hi Mam/Sir,

I have a big problem  on changing my birth certificate.Ever since i always used my name As Conrado Remocaldo JR.It happens i need to get my record in nso. As i got it ,i got shocked the name that appears on my record is Virgilio Remulado Jr,which is totally different with my local birth as well all my credentials .My problem now is im married with a child which happened that im not related to my own daughter.Will u please help me what to do and how to do it.Than you so much..



Reclusion Perpetua

Whose surname is Remulado? Is it your mother's surname? What about the birthdate and birth place, are they correct?


Arresto Menor

Hi sir/mam,

No sir,i dont know where they get the that remulado because the correct is Remocaldo .And remulado is none of the family name .It just happen that they will mistakenly input i guess.And all the entry is correct except the name including parents name is correct. Thank you


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