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claim to real estate property

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1claim to real estate property Empty claim to real estate property Tue Oct 07, 2014 9:57 pm


Arresto Menor

The title on a 50 sqm house and lot in manila is under my maiden name and that of my sister. At the time the TCT was issued under our maiden names,
my sister was still single while i was already married. My sister later got
married too. My sister passed away 2
yrs ago but my brother-in-law continues to reside in said property. I
have been living elsewhere since i got married. My sister and i were the only siblings. I now intend to sell the property. Question: Can my brother-in-law claim any percentage from the sale of the property? If so, how much is he entitled to it? Thank you.

2claim to real estate property Empty Re: claim to real estate property Tue Dec 02, 2014 8:38 am


Reclusion Perpetua


Your brother in law is entitled to the proceeds of the sale corresponding to the portion owned by your sister (if your sister and your brother-in-law had no children together)

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