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Real Property Tax and Real Estate Tax Condominium

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Arresto Menor


Need your legal advice regarding Property Tax. Na Turnover yung unit sa amin Last February 2013. Nafullpayment na namin yung unit but when we ask the Developer to release our unit ownership title. They are still not releasing as of the moment.

So We keep on following up to now. Until now hindi pa din nabibigay ang title sa amin.

Kahapon nakareceive ako ng notice sa Developer ng condo na kailngan daw nila Ire-imburse yung Real Property Tax na binayaran nila since 2013 nung naturnover sa amin yung Unit. Pero during those period from Feb 2013 upto now wala kame natatanggap na notice na kailangan namin bayaran yung property Tax.

Yearly nagbabayed kame ng Real Estate Tax Land. Pero wala nag inform sa amin na meron pala Real Property Tax.

Bakit dalawang tax ang sinisingil ng Developer ng Condo which is Real Estate Tax and Real Property Tax. At Bigla na lang sila magsasabe na Irereimburse daw nila yung binayaran nila na Real Property Tax from Feb 2013 Unit Turnover until now.

Need your advise

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