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Inquiry on our Liability

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1Inquiry on our Liability Empty Inquiry on our Liability Tue Aug 12, 2014 3:19 am


Arresto Menor

A pleasant day to all of you, I just wanted to ask for your advice.During the Typhoon Glenda,one of our trees fell to our neighbor's fence and one fell on their office' roof. We wanted to ask for your advice on our liability for what happened. We're willing to pay for the damages but we're just asking them to wait  since  our house also were severely damaged during the typhoon, we don't have enough money to pay for the materials etc. We were asking them to  wait for 3 months at most so that we would have enough funds for it but the problem is that it seems that they really need  it to be fixed right away. Can a lawsuit be filed against us for not being able to repair those right away?

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