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15 counts of estafa and another count of illegal recruitment in large scale

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Arresto Menor

Sad Hello Atty., I need help. Where do i start? okay here's an overview of the case as what i understand:
1. In 2009 there was a case filed by 15 employees that are now working in Taiwan filed in TECO
2. They filed estafa because the complainants was over-promised because of discrepancy of salary rates and benefits like meals, lodging etc.
3. Illegal recruitment because they were recruited illegally (yeah no basis on this quite vague for me)
4. BUT these complainants already settled and signed an affidavit of desistance twice notarized by TECO
5. Inspite this case was pushed by DOJ and raffled to the RTC but was returned to DOJ which is now on the prosecutors hands after our atty filed Motion for for reconsideration that the absence of probable cause.

Now we wanted to know if a case was already desisted by the complainants and returned to prosecutors office and as far as the numbers of days already past 60 days is it possible that this case will not be dismissed? Because one of the respondents who is talking to us right now that of course as usual what do we expect $$$ to make this go away, unfortunately my husband and I are just employed to be the corp sec and treasurer and not involve directly to the ins and outs of the company and not investors meaning we are not big time corp directors.They are scaring us with a warrant and saying non-bailable case and if we can't settle this then we are in big trouble, we might be arrested.I need to know whats the real deal here attorney.Please help.

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