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Involved in illegal recruitment and staffa in a large scale

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Arresto Menor

hello po, we are in dire need of help po since we were involved in a scam headed by a foreigner, he put up a consultancy agency catering clients going to Australia, Canada, US and Newzealand. The foreigner, oriented us that his agency would be next to nothing because he will be helping Filipinos victimized by illegal recruiters and those who cannot afford to pay for their fees going abroad. He recruited us to join him with his mission of helping Filipinos so we agreed. He then used our names to register as his BOD'S and he would be the founder. His name is not on papers, because at first when we tried to convince him that he should be on paper he told us that the agency is his legacy so he would rather be our boss/founder and he will guide us all through out. He will do the visa processing because he explained to us that he has lots of connections. We registered the company under our names, 5 of us and as a requirment an officer should be ellected, a president, secretary and a treasurer. All the names in the paper registration is under our names that foreigner dont have any. In every collection we do remit the collected amount to him. We are being paid as employees because he uses us BOD's only for paper purposes. BOD and at the same time employee. Now we operated for more than 6 mos and no visa to be seen yet, we tried to seek for his promised that visa will arrive in 6 mos but still nothing. Now clients start filing complaints and our names are being draggaed. The case falls into illegal recruitment and stafa in a large scale. According to our source a warrant  was issued to us already but how can we prove ourseles that we are also a victim. We are the directors and officers of the company, all the money went to that foreigner and now clients coming after us becuase it was our name used in the paper. Please help us, because most of us are with family, and our children are still young if we all go to jail. On what grounds we can prove ourselves that we are not guilty since this foreigner has been in this business for 20 years and everything is a scam. He has more than 5 warrant of arrests, from Manila and other provinces but still he is free to put up agencies and victimize people like us and clients who wants to work abroad for a greener pasture. Please advise, we dont have money for legal council yet what should we do by now....if we get caught we will be in jail forever.....thanks so much...

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