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Legal Opinion Letter

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1Legal Opinion Letter  Empty Legal Opinion Letter Sat Aug 10, 2013 9:15 pm


Arresto Menor

Hi! I am a freshman law student and I would like to seek help in making a legal opinion letter on this case.

Ron and Hermione met in October 10, 2000. Ron was 25 years old and Hermione was 37 years old. They got married on October 17 2000. On July 17, 2000 their son Harry was born.

Ron and Hermione's marriage became tempestuous on February 2002.  Hermione was no longer interested in having intercourse with him and always refused every time he proposed such.

Ron discovered a lot of things about Hermione. He found out that Ginny was an illegitimate child given birth by Hermione who she introduced as an adopted child of her family. She concealed the truth to Ron and he only learned it from other sources after their marriage.

Hermione was telling lies and fabricated stories about her life. Everything she told Ron was a lie- from her job, her expenditure and her social status. She created scenarios such as non-existent friends giving her singing gigs and misrepresented herself to other people as well.

Ron lamented that he was trapped in a loveless marriage. He added that Hermione became controlling, excessively jealous and manipulative. Ron could no longer take her behavior so he separated from her in May 2002. He tried to reconcile with her but her attitude did not change so he left her for good on December 2002.

Ron consulted another matter which he was worried about the since the day he married Hermione. Sometime in June 2002, at the age of 18, he got married to his other Hogwarts sweetheart Luna who was also 18, before a person who was a said judge of RTC branch 10. Their 7-year marriage ended in 1999 and had no child. He discovered later on that the person who solemnized their marriage, Voldemort, was a clerk and Hermione's godparent. Luna left Ron for another man and now lives in Nevada.

Ron is worried that Hermione may file a bigamy case against him as he concealed his prior marriage with LUna.

*** Please draft a legal opinion letter to solve Ron's dilemma and cite possible courses of action to protect his rights.

Thank you in advance for your help. This will be due on Monday.

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