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Holding my last pay even when I'm done with all my clearances.

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Arresto Menor

Okay, so this is a long one. I worked for a company in Ortigas that is renting out in a condo-office type of building. One of the tenants in the building accused my boyfriend (who is not an employee at my previous company) of stealing a wallet while waiting for me in the lobby. Now, we threatened to sue the accusers of oral defamation. After that, they just dropped their 'claim' about the wallet. After that incident, I resigned. But my resignation wasn't based on that event alone. I have finished all my clearances and all that. In fact, I have a copy of my clearance form signed by the Operations Manager. But the thing is, I checked my atm and they did not give me my last pay. And now they're telling me that they are holding my last pay because of the issue with the wallet because it 'tainted' their name. Mind you, I wasn't directly involved nor did the incident happen within the company. Do they have a right to do such a thing? And what grounds could I possibly hold them accountable? Thanks!


Reclusion Perpetua

if they already cleared you then you have to get your last pay.. you can file money claim at DOLE.



i agree, no right to do that. you can file a claim at dole or at nlrc


Reclusion Perpetua

Desperate moves of some employers just to enriched themselves..

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