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NTE due to AWOL from previous employer

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1NTE due to AWOL from previous employer Empty NTE due to AWOL from previous employer Sat May 25, 2013 8:38 pm

Arresto Menor

Does your new company have the right to enforce you to clear yourself from previous employer, due to negative background check? i mean, is it not the problem between the employee and the previous employer alone? why did the new company issue an nte for such? and is it valid to charge such negative background check as Falsification of Documents? employee did not even submit any papers regarding previous employment nor put in the application form that he is resigned. he was tagged awol on the prev employer due to the fact that he was already starting with the new company.
please reply..



did you declare that you were previously employed there?

3NTE due to AWOL from previous employer Empty Re: NTE due to AWOL from previous employer Mon May 27, 2013 10:36 am


Reclusion Perpetua

usually employers asks for clearance from previous employers.. i don't see anything wrong if they want you to explain your side..

Arresto Menor

@ attlegal: yup. did inform current company that during app, still working with prev company. in fact nag awol na kasi nag start na sa new company.

Arresto Menor

@ patok: i understand.. but y would they claim it as a Falsification of Documents, when at the first place, on the application form it was stated that employee was still engaged/connected with the old employer?
..walang fraud na nangyari, even sa papers. only the fact na hindi pa xa cleared when they did the background check.

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