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Please advise about collection harassment

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Arresto Menor

Good day.

Last year when my mom was living with me, she borrowed 35k from a friend. I told her that I'll help her any way I can. When she moved to another place, the person she borrowed money from came to me saying that my mother told her that the loan is not hers but mine to begin with and it has a 5% interest monthly totaling to maybe about 50K now. I never signed anything but she came here demanding that I should sign a notebook saying I'll pay for it. Now I wouldn't do that under normal circumstances but she's the principal from my kid's school and when she went to the place I live in, her companion is a bit loud and I don't want any scenes so I signed telling her I'll pay but I didn't specify any amount. Does she have any grounds to file a case against me? Or what would be the best thing I should do to stop her from harassing me thru text, gossip, etc. Also I don't think she has any license in this loaning business of hers.

Talking to my mom is not an option here because she did this before to other people as well and just run away from it. In my case, I want this settled so I really need advice and if I want to pursue this legally, what kind of lawyer do I need?

Your response will be very much appreciated. Thanks!


Arresto Menor

Good day.

I am hoping that someone will respond to this post. Thanks!

3Please advise about collection harassment Empty No Moderator on this Site Tue Apr 30, 2013 2:05 pm


Arresto Menor

I guess no one is moderating this site then. Been checking on my post for some time now and it seems no one is responding to it. Is this such a difficult situation that no answer will suffice?


Arresto Menor

Grabe yang nanay mo. Kung ako sayo, sugurin mo nanay mo para magtanda!



sorry, can't cover everything on the site.

not sure what you signed, but if i were her lawyer, i would argue that you guaranteed the loan.

if i were your lawyer, i would argue that it was not a guarantee. if there's no written agreement on interest, no interest is payable. moreover, 5% is an unconscionable amount.

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