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account being pulled out

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1account being pulled out Empty account being pulled out Sat Mar 16, 2013 8:00 am


Arresto Menor

good day atty..

I just want to inquire, Ive been reading posts in your website and i would like to know your expert opinion on my situation.

I'm in a BPO company and our account will be pulled out in 2-3 weeks time.We currently have a headcount of 109. There will be a new account that needs 40 reps and the rest of us will be profiled to different accounts. They told us that if we don't like the account that we'll be profiled for, we can tender resignation.

In your opinion, is there's a chance that we can ask for redundancy instead of taking they're offer of just resigning?

Another thing is that, our company has this program where in you can get a (promotion)15% salary increase if you manage to be one of the top 10 performers for 8 months in a year. However if you'll be transferred to a different account, the stats will go back to zero , meaning even if you have been on the top ten performers for the last 7 months this will have no bearing when you transfer to a new account.

I guess my question is, is this program considered as a seniority right? Do we have a legal claim on this?

Thank you

2account being pulled out Empty Re: account being pulled out Sat Mar 16, 2013 1:34 pm



the company has the right to transfer its employees and only they have the prerog to decide on redundancy.

the stats should be allowed to be reset, but not the salary

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