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Other Savings account put on hold for an unsettled account

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Arresto Menor

Hi All,

I was a teller from a respected bank for about three years now. I resigned last March and after 4 months, the bank was able to calculate my last pay (it turned out that I should be paying them because of my pending company loan).

They sent me an email last June 13 along with the calculations for the last pay. But I replied with a question regarding the calculations specifically the leave without pay, because I have found it somehow incorrect. (This is because I left the bank a week after I filed a resignation, and because of that, the calculation for the leave without pay was double my basic salary, which is weird). And until today I get no reply from them (three persons were copied on that email).

The worst part is this, they placed my other savings account (with the same bank) on hold (which is not connected to my payroll account in this bank) and they didn't even send me any advice that they were going to do that.

Was their action reasonable?

Thanks in advance.



i'm afraid i have to side with the bank with this one. a savings deposit is considered a loan by you to the bank, and they can offset that with your loans to them.


Arresto Menor

Hi attyLLL, thank you for your reply.

But I just got two replies from them and this made their statement conflicting:

The Branch manager said that it was them who had placed my savings account, other than my payroll account, on hold. And that I have to settle the remaining balance. (This would mean a formal notification a day AFTER I discovered the incident)

The HR representative then said that the bank can only put payroll accounts on hold. If that is a savings account, then I have to coordinate with my branch of account, which is handled by the Branch manager who earlier replied to me.

Would that mean it is irrelevant to put my savings account on hold if the reason was only to settle my accounts payable to the bank because they are only pertaining to payroll accounts?

There is a policy on this bank that they have to notify the depositor (having any type of account) before or upon putting their account on hold, which they did not comply. I felt insulted because of this, as if I can't pay them the said account.

Your thoughts on this attyLLL?

Thank you!



how they implemented their acts is a different issue on whether they have the right to do so. imo, they are within their rights based on the facts you mentioned.

and i've never heard of a bank giving a depositor pre-warning; that would give them the opportunity to withdraw their savings.


Arresto Menor

I see, well, thank you for the legal advice attyLLL, Smile

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