I am currently employed on my first job and would like to have an advice on my contract and the verbal agreement we had.
First this is my first job and i don't know much about verbal agreements or contracts.
The company that hired me gives technical services, all employees are deployed.
I was hired on october 19,2009.
I have a contract with my employed company in which there is no indication of any bond or how long my employment is.
After a month or two of being employed, i was informed i was going to be sent for trainings and was told that i will have a bond for 2 or 3 years.
I was sent to two trainings.
My question now is if i resign, will i be liable for anything? especially the verbally agreed training?
If it has any weight i would also like to point out that in my contract there was stated that there "meal and transportation allowance" which after 1 month when i asked the company owner about that, he said that the meal and transportation allowance if for Over Time, in the contract there was no line stating that
Thanks for all those who would take their time to read this and give advice