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verbal agreement

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1verbal agreement Empty verbal agreement Thu Feb 09, 2012 1:45 pm


Arresto Menor

i would like to ask if there's something we could do to demand our share from my husband's business partner. the situation was, they started a business together as partners 3 years ago. however the business was registered as sole prop under his partner's name. profit share, salary are on a 50-50 basis all the time. they had misunderstanding in giving commission to one of their client so her partner decided to terminate their agreement and said that she will still give half of his share from the company. however it seems she is giving us a hard time to get our share. it has been a year already and most of the time she doesn't answer our call. is her email stating that we have a share and vouchers stating that we are getting profit share enough to say n meron kmeng pinanghahawakan s kanya? or is it even acceptable in court if ever? pls help...thanks

2verbal agreement Empty Re: verbal agreement Fri Feb 10, 2012 7:47 pm



you would have to produce evidence to prove that there is indeed a partnership.

3verbal agreement Empty Re: verbal agreement Wed Feb 15, 2012 6:25 am


Arresto Menor

Greetings attorney!
Last April, my friend and I took over the management of a tutorial center here in Baguio. As agreed with the owner we paid her P50,000.00 as an advance payment kasi pinasublease lang po sa amin yung business. The money we paid the owner was borrowed from a certain Mrs. Torres. So yung pera pong yun ang naging paraan for us to start mobilizing the tutorial center. Unfortunately po, after 7 months of operating it together, i decided to move out dahil nalulugi na po yung tutorial center halos hindi na po kami nakakabayad ng renta. My friend decided to continue running it. Ngayon ang problema po is kailangan na pong isettle yung 50,000.00 na hiniram namin. Ang kinaclaim ng friend ko is that since dalawa kaming humiram we have to pay it 50-50. In my opinion naman po, we didnt use the money personally, kumbaga yun po ang pinag-invest namin para matake over yung business so i was thinking the income from the tutorial center should be used to pay the money borrowed. After i raised this argument, she refused to discuss it and insist that nung palaugi na yung business meron kaming naging verbal agreement na we will pay our "utang" separately in a half-way. Eh ano po bang gagawin ko, on going pa naman yung center hindi naman po siya nagsara eh. Pls advise me po on what to do? THnak you and more power!

4verbal agreement Empty Re: verbal agreement Wed Feb 15, 2012 10:25 pm



i tend to agree with your friend. what you describe is a partnership.

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