If i resign, will I be able to get a separation pay?
Another concern is, December last year, my employer convinced me to get a new car. Since I am not legible to have a car loan yet, it was put under his name. The initial cash out of that amounted to more or less P150,000 which he shouldered as my christmas bonus and December salary. Came January, he learned that I sold my old car and didn't give me my salary for the month of January because he told me that he added some P23,000 for insurance.
My monthly fixed salary amounts to 15,000 plus i get 10% of the total net profit which averages to 25,000.00.
Now, since the ammortization of the car is auto debited to the company's account, he was only giving me the 10% of net profit per month and my fixed salary automatically goes to ammortization. Problem is I have no payslip or receipt from him since he is the kind of person who based everything on trust. He also considered me as part owner of the company since he just financed the business and I operate.
Now that he is dead, I want the car to be transferred to my name and continue the ammortization but the family wants to get it. I also demanded that if they want the car, they must reimburse all that I have paid including the down payment because it should have been my bonus and 2 months salary.
I know it's all verbal. What will I do? Please help me.
Thank you.