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1LABORS DECISION. Please HELP ME. Empty LABORS DECISION. Please HELP ME. Wed Jan 16, 2013 1:41 pm


Arresto Menor

Pa help po, kc March 2012 nag file po ako ng Case sa NLRC sa dati ko pinagtatrabahuan ko po, and then after OCTOBER 2012, 7months nakapag DECISION na un ARBITER . Nanalo ako 129,000 aun sa ARBITTER,Na Receive ko un DECISION LETTER nun NOVEMBER 2012, kaso un kalaban ko nmn nag Appeal, Since DECEMBER 2012 kc gusto ipa REVISE un Decision ng ARBITER. Tanong ko lang po kc ngayon tumaas na po un Case i mean nasa Commision napo di na sa ARBITTER . Ganu po katagal un DECISION ng Commission para alam ko po or hihintayin for the Next DECISION! kasi ngyn Jan 2013.. Please Help po..

2LABORS DECISION. Please HELP ME. Empty Re: LABORS DECISION. Please HELP ME. Wed Jan 16, 2013 2:34 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

matagal pa yan.. may court of appeals pa..

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