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grounds of termination

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1grounds of termination Empty grounds of termination Thu Jan 03, 2013 1:52 pm


Arresto Menor

gud day,

we have two employees that we suspected of dishonesty/time forgery or what ever we call it. it started when one of them was barred from entering our workplace because he was drunk but he has timed-in and timed-out his time card and we have no other suspect about his accomplice because only the two of them has duty that night.. we already gathered evidences and we already have some of them now.. what should be our next move.. can we send him preventive suspension order or talk to both them first?

thank you very much..

2grounds of termination Empty Re: grounds of termination Thu Jan 03, 2013 8:57 pm



to justify preventive suspension, you have to show that they are an imminent threat to the property of the company. i recommend that you talk to them first separtely so they can't change their story in their written explanations

3grounds of termination Empty Re: grounds of termination Fri Jan 04, 2013 12:11 pm


Arresto Menor


we already talked to them yun nga they have their palusot but our work is maintenance ng isang warehouse does that justify to suspend them kasi we handle all equipments kasi basing sa mga evidences and reports from the security isa lang talaga naka pasok..

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