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Arresto Menor

Hi! I just want to ask advice for the following complaints that we have received from the management. My co-worker and I received an unexpected notice from the management where it contained a series of "reasonable grounds" that could subject us for termination.

1. Excessive tardiness for 79 days thus violating company policies and gross and habitual neglect of duties. ( this is my co-worker's, mine is 16 tardiness.)
- I would like to ask to how tardiness are being computed. Actually, this is the first complaint that we have received in regards with our tardy. Before, the owner of the school, rarely complains and she only complains during salary day. I've been working for her for 6 months and I usually get late 2-4 times in a month while my co-worker has been working for them for a year and 9 months. Whenever we are late, we submit explanation letter as to why and never get any memos from them. She only started giving this when our new Academic Head arrived at work and revised the policy. We even didn't know that there are policies about tardiness since we haven't get to read nor signed anything except for the contract.

2. Insubordination for failure of bringing medical certificate or proper receipt.
-What are the rules under insubordination? Can this be called insubordination? My co-worker had sore throat and was absent for a day. She brought a receipt with her and it happened that the date that the medicine was bought was torn. When my co-worker was absent for 4 days due to sore eyes, the owner didn't ask for medical certificate nor receipt for medication. Just now.

3. Insubordination for not following instructions to report to school premises but instead went to TESDA training skills.
-The owner informed us not to go to TESDA since it is postponed. The reasons were not clear and she somewhat told us that if we failed to attend the training, we are obliged to pay half of the payment for training when in fact TESDA made it free for us. The owner is known for twisting stories and I, myself, have experienced it. Because of that we went to TESDA to clarify things and learned that the owner withdrawn our participation for the training. After that, we reported to work though we were a minute late. Is it a subject for insubordination?

4. Insubordination for complaining class schedule and grave misconduct for arrogantly asking the owner to speak English in the EOP zone.
-The owner has the tendency to change schedules on that very day of our class and I somehow suggested to our head that schedules should be posted in advance when the student changed schedule so we could prepare our classes. Her husband even told us that the class schedule is SECRET and it is their prerogative to post it or not. Every suggestion or complains that we have,we always address it to the academic director so I was surprised when it was stated that I arrogantly asked her. It was just an opinion and it is up to her if she will do it or not.

5.Violation of company policy on bringing cellphone and laptop inside school premises.
-Actually, in our policy that we have in our contract since there were three (3): to speak English, to not use phones during class hours and to be on time. I was surprised to see this violation. And now, without any memo, they are confiscating our phones and continued to do so until the revised policies was released yesterday, but we haven't signed it yet. Is it legal for them to confiscate our phones even if we haven't signed the revised policies yet?

The management wants us to receive the policy,sign it without reading it first, even with the memos they are giving. They would force the employees to sign. Is this legal?

We asked the management about our job description since we would end up cleaning the child when they poop or dress them up since we are teachers but she got mad and instead answered one of the teachers, "Why? Are you the owner?" - is this right?

We are mentally and emotionally stressed due to the following concerns that I have stated above and the increased workload that she gave with a deadline. She gave a task to look for 20 samples of arts and craft for each month and to finish it today but I failed to do so since it is way too much and added another task on my shoulders. We feel like we are treated as slaves and not teachers due to her demands.

And now my co-worker received two warning where it stated that she influenced other teachers' decision to work for the company but she have confronted those teachers and denied having said that this co-worker of mine said something against the company and said that the management told them that they shouldn't be afraid since we are candidates for termination.

My co-worker is requesting for a close door meeting with the owner, the office assistant, academic director and the two teachers involve for her to clear her name but the owner and office assistant were avoiding her.

What are the possible criteria under inhuman and unbearable treatment?

Please help us.

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