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Termination Grounds

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1Termination Grounds Empty Termination Grounds Wed Aug 24, 2011 12:29 pm


Arresto Menor


I have a friend who was suspended for 30 days. She have a letter to explain everything and under investigation. Based on her answer will be subject if she will be retain or not. The issue of her was. She received a tax shield given every 3 months that was approved by there director. But their account manager failed to create a written report for proof. Their company now have net loss in the business and the group of directors have been looking holes in the company and this what they found. The director who approved have denies it. Since it didn't have proof. The taxshield receivers, accountant, and treasurer has been suspended. Does the company have a proper grounds for termination? Does the company is doing a good justice move to suspend for 30 days without pay? But the case is she is just the receiver and she don't know.

Thanks in advance

2Termination Grounds Empty Re: Termination Grounds Thu Aug 25, 2011 10:53 pm



how much is this tax shield per month?

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