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Setting up to fail

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1Setting up to fail Empty Setting up to fail Sat Oct 06, 2012 11:29 am


Arresto Menor

Hi Experts,

I have been working for a BPO company for more than 4 years.
I am my family's breadwinner and i came from a financially challenged family. Working with this company helped my family a lot and i manage to get a yearly promotion for my hard-work.

Quarter 4 of 2011, my boss got entangled with an affair with my sub-ordinate. I was in complete confusion as he obviously is arranging everything to benefit the mistress (as i call her as my boss currently that time was in a relationship). The arrangement includes- high annual appraisal, high annual bonus and everything.

The AVP then founds out about the alleged rumor which eventually is true and set a meeting to confirm it. I on that time acknowledged the rumor and was asked why i did not stand up raising the issue. I told the AVP i was afraid this might affect my relationship with my boss and that knowing how he works will set me up to fail for i've seen him did it to some leaders. I was assured by the AVP that my statement will be confidential and that i am protected on my worries.

February 2012, my boss came back after a canada trip with her mistress and the first meeting i had with him was about my performance issue. I do not agree as when he left - i took accountability of all his task for my division. Then he started serving me Memo for being late. The serving of the memo was schedule to make me guilty of not complying with the company rules. Example. On June he serve me a memo for being late for the months of January onwards and serving another one for August end of September threatening me another will be released for September the following month ( which is the following day). However due to my improvement, he hold it off.

From March 2012 to present, i have encountered so much stress and discrimination from him. He punished me mentally when i went on sick leave telling me how i will be not paid if i will not secure a medical certificate (which since my conscience is clean) i did provide him.There was an instance that he canceled my leave a day before telling me if i will proceed with my leave it would be a problem to me. So i reported for work that day. He gives me task (rush ones) at a very not timely manner and tells me i am having performance issues when i set expectations.

Due to his affair with my sub-ordinate, organization structure(reporting) was changed.And as for the senior management's action to this issue they transferred the mistress to a different division. Throughout that period, my boss treatment to me never changed but i submitted as i needed the job. My boss knows about my financial status and uses it as my weakness pushing me to follow all task assigned and finish everything in his deadline- just waiting to kick me out once i fail to deliver.

Now October 05, i have another leave scheduled for the 6th. He pushed back a meeting telling me to reschedule it on the 6th as he goes home on the dot (5am). I told him i was on leave and he started threatening me again. His exact words were "Pag tumuloy ka ng leave, makakaproblema ka na talaga sa akin" then hangs up.

As per our leave process - i filled it in our previous database 3 months ahead of time, as well on the new database rolled out that year. He created a spreadsheet to track our leaves and i did updated it July of 2012. Now the day before my leave he tells me i cannot take it otherwise i will have a problem with him.

I sent him an e-mail same day and humbly apologize that my reason was too personally important to cancel. The following shift, i received a text message from him saying, "prepare your explanation to the AVP - what you did was insubordination".

His dealings with me cause me stress physically, mentally and emotionally. most employee would have just resigned but i cant cause i know i haven't done anything wrong. This boss i have was involved in numbers of scandalous affairs within the company reason why he was transferred to our division in the 1st place yet the company always favors him. Our attrition rate increased in his term as the staff encountered his unprofessional-ism yet nobody risen up against him due to fear of his attitude (namemersonal).

To protect my employment, i have submitted to him as my leader yet for this scenario, i cannot submit anymore. I feel that my right as an employee were violated and so as my human rights.

To describe my boss is simply - a credit taker, power-tripper and unprofessional.

All the staff in my division knows that and can verify it especially my case as my co-leaders seen it. However if i did ask them to testify for me, i am sure they will decline my request due to fear from my boss and that he might do them the same thing he is doing to me now.

I wanted to seek HR's advice but i am afraid that the AVP will be mad at me. I did raise a personal complaint before addressed to the HR manager and our AVP but it ended up as a close door meeting with the both of them but no incident report was filed.

At the same time, the company offers early retirement benefits at 5th year and i am expecting it this June 2013. My boss uses my need for these benefits to weaken my judgment calls.

I seriously need a legal advice as i would like to raise it in the department of labor but i dont know how to start. Hope you can help me...

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