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Annual Salary Increase/Disparity

2 posters

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1Annual Salary Increase/Disparity Empty Annual Salary Increase/Disparity Tue Oct 02, 2012 12:30 pm


Arresto Menor

Just need to know if this is right, becuase I don't see in any way how it might be:

My company has two shifts, a dayshift, and a graveyard.
Both groups have the same job description, the only glaring differences are the shift, and the compensation package.

The nightowls get for the month 25K Basic, and 1100 Food allowance (non-taxable) plus around 3600 Taxable ND and Hazard Pay.

The daytime people get 25K and 5K Non-Taxable allowance.

Does that look right? I want to have this reviewed properly by our employer, because of clear additional risks on working during the night, need I say Personal Safety and Health risks?

Can this be filed with the NLRC should the nightowls get nothing after our dispute?

2Annual Salary Increase/Disparity Empty Re: Annual Salary Increase/Disparity Wed Oct 03, 2012 4:37 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

salaries are company's prerogative.

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