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Redundancy Issue

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1Redundancy Issue Empty Redundancy Issue Sat Sep 29, 2012 3:14 pm


Arresto Menor

We worked in a well known BPO industry and month of August they have gathered us all to inform us that the account will be closing. During said meeting an option was provided.

*First option: If we wanted to be transferred to a different account
*Second option: severance pay

So on the same day, they serve a notice for all the first batch and luckily they will be receiving their severance without any question.

So may questions are:
*since there was a verbal agreement on the first meeting held last August that we do have an option to choose, will that be a valid grounds or can we use that against them?
*Does the company have the right to revoke whatever contract they provided us in a short period of time?
*Is it also right that we're only given 3 days to sign their new agreement knowing that this is not what we were told a month before the end of our term.

We hope you can give us legal advise on this matter.

Kind regards,

2Redundancy Issue Empty Re: Redundancy Issue Thu Oct 04, 2012 10:35 am



i think the company is doing it right.

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