I am working for more than a year on a company (Company A) which is sub-c0ntracted by another company (Company B-an electronic manufacturing company) to provide Safety and Environmental support so that they can comply with the ISO standards.
Data: We are required to render 40 hours per week/person to company B (this is the contract between our company and company B)
We are entitled to 5 days (combined VL and SL)
Question: If we avail our Vacation leave which we filed and approved by our HR (Company A), we are still being required to compensate for that leave by rendering the 40 hours to Company B. So for example, if we are on leave on MOnday, we can report to work on Saturday to offset the absence we made on MOnday, hence, the 40 hour/week will be completed. So in essence, we don't have paid VL.
Isn't it that our company (Company A) should send somebody to take our place during the time that we are on approved VL so that their contract with Company B is being complied with?
I now have my Solo Parent ID and if in case, I avail of the additional 7 days leave, this would mean that I am on an approved leave on my parent company, but I still have to render the required working hours to Company B, so it is useless.
Please help me what to do.
Thank you in advance.