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hospital bill

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1hospital bill Empty hospital bill Wed Jul 04, 2012 4:38 am


Arresto Menor

Hello, Im Avi... I have a serious problem with a hospital bill that i got from almost having a premature baby... I was required to have a bedrest... until the right time... and since my partner insisted me to stay in the hospital, (and selfish enough, I was afraid to put my baby at risk)I accepted and agreed... My partner ( a foreigner ) constantly assured me that he will pay the bill so I should not worry ( considering that I am in the suite room )... I warned him that the amount that I have in hand can only pay a week... but he said that I should just use it for personal necessities... after more than a month of torture ( it may seem like it's a dream, but lying in a bed, not being allowed to walk myself to the bathroom for more than a month is a nightmare, it is that NOT SIMPLE ), my OB decided to let the baby out...
After that, I was expecting to get home within the maximum of three days... but... like a speeding train, the truth hit me... my partner cannot pay the bill!!!
I tried everything in my power to get out of the situaion, but having no access to the outside world... I failed a thousand attempts... (I will disregard the personal issues and emotional trauma I underwent while I was imprissoned in the four corners of that room... knowing that my baby is prone to all the communicable diseases there was in there that time... or the effects of this to my relationship).
I found a way to get my son out of the hospital...though I know that I could not come home with him I somehow felt at ease even when I knew that i will go to the ward after.... I never want my son to experience whatever there was that I was to endure. Then my friends husband decided to let me use his motorcycle's title to be the collateral... the contract was that I will have to give my salary, to the hospital... but when I got out, my friend said she wants to hold the money until it's complete... (aside from the other financial support I gave them for food and their kids school allowances and motorcycle repair ) I thought about how they helped me... but then later her husband started taking advances on me... he was sexually harassing me!!!... and my friend chose to be blind... now... ofcourse I had to withraw from having contact with them ( I need to stay sane ).... now that I stayed away.. they claim that I have not given a single penny!
So how will I explain that to the hospital???
I've also asked my partner to take care of my baby while I was working and he gave up... ( I asked for police assistance that time he threatened me, they say the bill should be his responsibility) so now I'm paying a nanny.. an apartment and supporting my kid... how will I ever protect myself from any case that is lawfully due to me?
I will appreciate any advice... thank you very much...

"It is a pleasure to stand upon the shore, and to see ships tossed upon the sea: a pleasure to stand in the window of a castle, and to see a battle and the adventures thereof below: but no pleasure is comparable to standing upon the vantage ground of truth ... and to see the errors, and wanderings, and mists, and tempests, in the vale below."

2hospital bill Empty Re: hospital bill Wed Jul 04, 2012 2:14 pm


Prision Correccional

a very sad story indeed...i cant get what you want though, where is now the MC? what agreement had you signed with the Hospital if any?

3hospital bill Empty Re: hospital bill Wed Jul 04, 2012 5:21 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

do you have any proof that you gave the money to them?

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