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Monetary fine for tardiness

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1Monetary fine for tardiness Empty Monetary fine for tardiness Sun Jun 24, 2012 3:52 pm


Arresto Menor

Hi. The company where I'm working in has decided to make monetary fines as a penalty for tardiness.

Bale here's the current policy:

1. Every month we are given allowed to be late for up to 100minutes every month. If we exceed the monthly 100-minute allowance, we get a memorandum imposing suspension already.

2. If we don't exceed the 100minute allowance, like for instance if i only have 50minutes tardiness in a month, that 50minutes is still subject to salary deduction as a penalty.

The NEW policy by the company:

**The 100-minute allowance is still there including the salary deduction.

**If we exceed the 100-minute allowance, there will be a monetary fine greater than the salary deduction for being late within the allowance.

Question, Legal pa ho ba ito? Is the current and new policy legal? My salary is only 300/day, the minimum wage here in my city is 250+. Sakto nga lang sweldo tapos kakaltasan pa. HELP please.

Thanks in advance!

2Monetary fine for tardiness Empty Re: Monetary fine for tardiness Mon Jun 25, 2012 7:53 pm



in my opinion, it is not legal and you can file a report at the nearest office of dole

3Monetary fine for tardiness Empty Re: Monetary fine for tardiness Tue Jun 26, 2012 8:41 am


Arresto Menor

AttyLLL are both policies not legal or only the newly imposed one?


4Monetary fine for tardiness Empty Re: Monetary fine for tardiness Tue Jun 26, 2012 10:16 pm



salary deduction as penalty per se, imo, is unlawful

5Monetary fine for tardiness Empty Re: Monetary fine for tardiness Tue Oct 01, 2013 12:04 am


Arresto Menor

Our manager just imposed a monetary pernalty for tardiness just for our team. The pernalty is P100.00 per every 30mins late. A designated team member will collect the penalty every day or every week depends on the capacity of the penalized employee.

The collected amount will be used for our team activity such as team building and the likes. I am not sure if this has been approved by our HR, or the HR is aware of this.

I would like to ask if this is legal?

6Monetary fine for tardiness Empty Re: Monetary fine for tardiness Tue Oct 01, 2013 9:25 am



please see what i stated above.

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