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Floating Status

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1Floating Status Empty Floating Status Tue May 15, 2012 11:20 am


Arresto Menor

Good Day Attorney,

I've been working as a Supervisor for more than 2 years now in a small-scale call center. I'm already a regular employee, but was put on floating status now for more than a month. Being a small-scale call center, we have no HR, so the duites of such department is handled solely by the President of company (she is the right hand person of the American owner).

We currently have 1 active account with a US client. My previous job was to handle callers who ask for a Supervisor. The US client decided to downsize from 2 agent down to only 1. When it was implemented 3 months ago, the remaining agent and I went on alternate schedules every 3 days. However, just ast month our company decided to have me on floating status instead.

I've been texting our President and was asking for any updates on the account but I receive no replies. Because of this, I am under the impression that I am on an indefinite floating status.

I do apologize for the lengthy details. I would like to seek for some relief on my current situation and I'm wondering if I could now ask for my separation pay.

Thank you Sir,

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