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1FLOATING STATUS Empty FLOATING STATUS Sun Sep 27, 2015 7:34 pm


Arresto Menor


I was promoted as a manager and I had to undergo my cadetship.  However, before my sixth month, the account decided not to confirm me due to dodgy reasons.  Since my last role was a Team Leader, I was placed on a floating status until the company can find a new account for me.  

I was floated for almost 2 months (without pay) when they asked me to report to work.  They gave me a new account but was subjected to a training agreement like a new employee, which indicates that if I fail training then I will be terminated.  I did not accept it because I am a regular employee and I am already a Team Leader by paper.  I was transferred to other accounts before but this is the first time they are giving me this agreement.  In addition, they gave me a sales account in which I am not good at because my skill profile is with customer service.  I told them that it's like they are setting me up to fail.  I was placed on a floating status again but after a week was asked to report and do special task and employee development training.  In short, since I am reporting to work, I am now getting paid.

My inquiry is if the 6 month clause is applicable to me since I am getting paid but is still floating.  I also would like to know up to when can they keep me on floating status, given that I am getting paid.  I am scared that this has a catch to it.  Since I got floated, I was the one looking for internal openings.  No one is proactively updating my case.  There is no stability because they might ask me not to report again.  

By next year, I will be a 5-year employee and will be eligible for a 14th month pay and additional leaves.  I am also seeing Team Leader openings in job portals but are not advertised internally.  I want to know my legal stand in all of this situation.

Your help would be greatly appreciated.


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