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Selling tampered goods

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1Selling tampered goods Empty Selling tampered goods Wed May 02, 2012 4:52 pm


Arresto Menor


I would like to seek advice on the phone that we purchased from a Nokia store. The phone was sold without a seal. We first asked for a different package but they told us that it was the last stock and assured as that the contents are brand new. We accepted the phone. Two months later the phone started to malfunction. We brought the phone to the service center in Megamall wherein they have identified that the product is tampered thus is not covered by the warranty. We complained, and on the succeeding days we were informed that they will cover the repair. The PCB or mainboard of the phone will be replaced and they will retain the warranty as a gesture of goodwill. We did not accept this because we are supposed to have purchased a brand new phone. Are we wrong to demand a brand new phone?

A few of my friends also went to the store to ask for the same phone and they do still have the phone on stock and the package is also not sealed.

By the way, the service center texted me that I need to go to Megamall to sign a waver allowing them to send the phone to level 3 in Makati. I did not sign this but they still sent the phone to Makati without my Authorization. Now I am asking them to provide my original phone and they did confirm also via text that they have already contacted the Makati office to find and retrieve the phone. Can I file a case against the service center?

Thank you.

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