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filing of petition to take bar exam

2 posters

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1filing of petition to take bar exam  Empty filing of petition to take bar exam Mon Jun 13, 2011 2:23 pm


Arresto Menor

Dear admin:

I would like to ask for an advise if my school can apply for the petition to take the bar exam in my behalf, considering that i am out of the country right now.

Thank you very much.


2filing of petition to take bar exam  Empty Re: filing of petition to take bar exam Thu Jul 14, 2011 11:53 am


Arresto Menor

vtaurus47 wrote:Dear admin:

I would like to ask for an advise if my school can apply for the petition to take the bar exam in my behalf, considering that i am out of the country right now.

Thank you very much.


Its usual that the school submits the application of their students as long as all the requirements are complied with. But your filled up application form will have to be notarized, i'm not sure if the phil embassy (consuls)at the country where you are or a lawyer of that country can (or allowed to)notarize it.

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