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`wedding rightd performed at our house, by a local civil registrar, void?

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Arresto Menor


gud day, i was married last january 30 2002,we separated august 2002. the thing is we got married january 29,2002 at my parents house by the local civil registrar, is that valid? kasi my husband is seeking na ivoid ung kasal, im just thinking on what grounds, though i myself want the marriage to be nullified. i kept the pictures of that night showing na ung local civil registrar ang nagkasal. thanks in advance....more power



for the ground to prosper, you will have to convince the judge that both of you believed that the local civil registrar did not have the authority to conduct the marriage. by the mere fact you have to ask, it shows you weren't sure so the ground will not stand.


Arresto Menor

thanks sir.

one thing more in my case, how long does it usually takes to nullify the marriage and is it costly?

thanks again



1-2 years. cost depends on which lawyer you retain.

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