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warrant of arrest

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1warrant - warrant of arrest Empty warrant of arrest Wed Mar 23, 2011 4:44 pm


Arresto Menor

i am working abroad right now trying everything to support my family...i have found out that i have warrant of arrest in the Philippines...and thus they put my name on the hold departure order...i wanted to go home and visit my family but how can i do that if my name is on the watchlista and have warrant of arrest...what can i possibly do?one thing more my passport will expire this june and nid to renew it will i have prob in renewing it?they said that the complainants have also file a hold on my passport at dfa would that be possible?please help me as I do not have yet the capacity to pay if there are fees to be i am just earning ample amount of money for my family`s living.

2warrant - warrant of arrest Empty Re: warrant of arrest Wed Mar 23, 2011 9:57 pm



did you confirm everything? someone visited the court and got a copy of the case? you have called the Bureau of Immigration to check if you are on the derogatory list?

if all are true, then it is important whether it is a watchlist or hold departure order. watchlist is only up t 120 days but hdo is 5 years.

as for your passport, you can apply for renewal there. if denied, nothing you can do.

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