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Employment contract

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1Employment contract Empty Employment contract Wed Jan 24, 2018 12:09 am


Arresto Menor

Good day po i just want to consult with regards to my employment contracts. I was employed last feb 2 2017. Upon my employment nag undergo ako ng training and lately na realize nila na wala pala akong training contract which is may lock in. Last september po ako nag training and nabigay ang training agreement ko around november last week i didnt sign it kasi nga may lock in and gusto ko ng umalis sa company. Ang sabi naman ng superior ko i will file you a case dahil di ka pumirma ano po ba pwede nila ma file sa akin? Supposedly mareregular ako august but the paper arrived this jan 5 na. I signed tge paper nakalagay doon na if ever i will terminate my employment i should give and render 30 days.If i decided to resign without signing that training agreement may right ba sila na e hold ang sweldo ko kahit na nag render ako ng 30 days?And can i also file a complaint to them kung bakit ang nakalagay na effectivity sa contract ko jan 5 na supposedly august pa and they had put jan 5 effectivity of contract regularization na may changes sa salary but on jan 15 wala akong na recieved na changes?Wala din po ako copy ng contract ko kasi sabi ipapanotarized pa daw nila.

2Employment contract Empty Re: Employment contract Wed Jan 24, 2018 7:31 am


Reclusion Perpetua

With or without contract, if you have been allowed to work 1 day after your 6th month period, you are already deemed as a regular employee. If you want to leave the company, you must submit a resignation letter 30 days before leaving.

The company have the right to hold your last salary, to be released as a last pay. last pay can be released after completing a clearance form.

The company have the right to declare payment of your training bond and you have the right to declare that you are not liable for it since you did not sign any bond agreement. You and the company will be fighting for your final pay over this. This may take months or years to finish.

Good Luck.

3Employment contract Empty Re: Employment contract Wed Jan 24, 2018 6:03 pm



considering you rendered 30 day notice period and there is no agreement as to the training bond, it seems your only issue is your final pay. if they do not release it, your recourse is to file a money claim at nlrc

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