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1contract - CONTRACT REVISION Empty CONTRACT REVISION Mon Dec 18, 2017 10:57 am


Arresto Menor


The reason that I grab the job offer is because of the content of the contract for the job and pay agreement. Working in a call center starting june 2016. By that time we signed the contract, we have an attendance bonus, nice pay premium and others. However, by the time we started our employment, it was not followed and by month of October they changed some agreement in our contract. But it was just a roll out, we don't have a new contract.

We are planning to file a case against our employer, is that a valid cause to file a case?

Since we are still connected with our current employer, are we going to file a case first or we have to resign and then file a case?

Please give us light on this matter.


2contract - CONTRACT REVISION Empty Re: CONTRACT REVISION Mon Dec 18, 2017 12:48 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

Does the contract state what you are going to received and did not get during your employment?

When they changed some agreement, did they made you sign it? what do you mean a roll-out? is it a policy?

you can file a case against your employer even if you are still employed but be ready for retribution if you do.

3contract - CONTRACT REVISION Empty Re: CONTRACT REVISION Wed Dec 20, 2017 5:37 pm

Capt Ragnar

Capt Ragnar
Arresto Mayor

Contract revision cannot be done unless you did sign the document and explained to you thoroughly by your employer or its representatives.

4contract - CONTRACT REVISION Empty Re: CONTRACT REVISION Fri Jan 12, 2018 7:48 am


Reclusion Perpetua

You need to come up with a new agreement before the terms and conditions of your contract can be changed. Without that, your previous agreement with the company remains binding. Try reading this, I hope it helps.

5contract - CONTRACT REVISION Empty Re: CONTRACT REVISION Sat Jan 13, 2018 10:38 pm



If you have a copy of the list of your benefits, you can file a claim at the dole or nlrc and the employer will have to explain why you did not receive them

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