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Separation Pay

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1Separation Pay  Empty Separation Pay Mon Oct 23, 2017 2:06 pm


Arresto Menor


I worked in a Multinational Engineering Company in the Philippines from 2007- 2016 , I worked for almost 9years.

I decided to resigned last January 2016 to accept the overseas offer.

I haven't get the final pay from my previous company and planning to get the said final claim once I finished my contract as overseas by next year.

Working as overseas I met and talked to some other colleagues who also file resignation upon acceptance of their overseas offer and as per them they got service separation pay from their company.

My question , am I entitled to a service separation pay or can I demand to the company to pay me for a service separation pay?

Is service separation pay a mandatory?

I am asking this because I am not fully aware on our labor laws in the philippines... the only I know is if the employee is being terminated without just cause that's the time the company will pay to the employee..

Other company are give service separation pay upon working five years or more I do aware of that .. and before I ask my previous company once I get my quit claim/final pay I just want to be aware if I have the right to ask / demand for a service separation pay aside from the final pay/quit claim .

Hoping for an advise from you.

2Separation Pay  Empty Re: Separation Pay Mon Oct 23, 2017 3:08 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

depends on the companies policy. It is not mandated by govt if it was the employee who resigned

3Separation Pay  Empty Re: Separation Pay Thu Jan 04, 2018 9:24 am


Reclusion Perpetua

Separation pay is required by law only in case of separation due to authorized causes, and not in case of resignations. Try reading this, I hope it helps.

4Separation Pay  Empty Re: Separation Pay Thu Jan 04, 2018 10:02 am


Arresto Menor

pwede din po ba aq mag tanong, kase po na endo ko nung April 24,2017 gang ngayon po wala padin yung backpay ko po naka pag clearance na po ko at lahat po yun ok na at yung mga nkakasabay ko lahat sila nakuha na yung saken po ang naiiwan, pero yung Bank daw po yung nag ka problema kaya di agad saken nabigay yung backpay ko i always text and call may HR lage lang po nia sinasabi na uupdate na lang nia ko at under investigation pa daw po eh napaka tagal naman anu po kaya dapat ko gawin? marami pong salamat

5Separation Pay  Empty Re: Separation Pay Thu Jan 04, 2018 1:42 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

ivybutterfly wrote:pwede din po ba aq mag tanong, kase po na endo ko nung April 24,2017 gang ngayon po wala padin yung backpay ko po naka pag clearance na po ko at lahat po yun ok na at yung mga nkakasabay ko lahat sila nakuha na yung saken po ang naiiwan, pero yung Bank daw po yung nag ka problema kaya di agad saken nabigay yung backpay ko i always text and call may HR lage lang po nia sinasabi na uupdate na lang nia ko at under investigation pa daw po eh napaka tagal naman anu po kaya dapat ko gawin? marami pong salamat

Magreklamo kna sa DOLE.

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