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Verbal abuse

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1Verbal abuse Empty Verbal abuse Sun Sep 03, 2017 12:48 am


Arresto Menor

Good eve!

I am currently working in a recruitment agency. Can I file a verbal abuse to my boss? Everytime na may isang mistake lang sa work sobra na kung makasigaw. Sobrang high ng boses nya at namamahiya. Since sa recruitment kami kahit na sa harapan ng mga applicant sisigawan ka nya, wala syang pakialam kahit na maraming tao. Napaka unprofessional. Hindi ka nya kakausapin in her room. Maiiyak kna lang sa kahihiyan. Then if idedepend mo naman sarili mo, lagi nyang sinasabi na "wag kang mangangatwiran or wala kang karapatan mangatwiran" parang nabili na nya buhay mo. Then if naka leave ka, even sick leave kailangan sumasagot ka pa rin ng tawag nila. Ano po bang magandang gawin? May laban po ba if mag file ako ng verbal abuse sa nlrc? Thanks

2Verbal abuse Empty Re: Verbal abuse Mon Sep 04, 2017 6:05 am


Reclusion Perpetua

Walang kasong 'verbal abuse'. May karapatan kang mag-resign kakung di mo kaya.

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