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Buying of Land

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1Buying of Land Empty Buying of Land Tue Aug 22, 2017 4:21 pm


Arresto Menor

My sister bought a land with more or less 300 sqm. from my uncle.
Deed of Absolute Sale was made and signed by both parties but not yet notarized. No transfer of land title was made as well.
Now, my sister is planning to sell this land to me for a lower price.
My question are:
1. If im going to buy this property, would it risk me from any monetary loss?
2. Since the DAS is not yet notarized, doesn't it give my sister the right to sell this land?
3. I want to buy this land as my investment, what should i do then?

Please advise. Thank you and God bless!

2Buying of Land Empty Re: Buying of Land Thu Aug 24, 2017 9:56 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

Is your uncle still alive? Better if the DOAS is executed between the two of you.

1. If you're buying it cheaper, then there is no loss.
2. It's hers since the DOAS has been signed.
3. Then buy it.

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