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Training Bond Agreement

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1bond - Training Bond Agreement  Empty Training Bond Agreement Sun Aug 13, 2017 12:03 am


Arresto Menor

Good day!
I would like to consult and ask about the terms and condition in training bind agreement.

To start of... This is my first time to join a forum and unlikely you see, about legal talks pa since this is something that has been bugging me the past few weeks and I dont have time to go to a lawyer for a legal advice since, I fully understood what the company is trying to impose.

It was this June this 2017, I was hired newly hired in a hotel casino, and specifically I applied for a job in the gaming field. I was all exxited tho, oroginally I would prefer to apply for a hotel work but duri g the time there where no vacants yet. So i decide yeah let me try and get in first to whatver position is available and see what will happen next.

Actually Iam a fresh graduate, and it took me time to have finally graduate, i had also experience working but more on the fields of bpo.. So this is the first time that I will be working in the field of my study which is hospitality industry... So with all excitement after years of on and off school and work while studying it was a big leap for me to able to be able to work in the service industry maybe not in the field that I would really like be part of but all those time I applied I just think of stepping stones and everything....

As soon as I get hired and started wkth the training something is bugging me which I really never felt before, It felt that the job doesnt fit me at all even tho i got high grade in the first written exam and good feed back from the trainers on my first week. To be exact first 6 days... During the time of my first week even tho o go to work early and everything, it felt wrong, I started to feel uncertainty of doing it far more, i felt that my real skills and capabilities doesnt fit the job at all so, I try to settle things straight on my mind and thing it thorougly if i will continue with it or not.... I have nithong against the company all was good nut it felt wrong for me, and I want to rust that gut feel, I even consulted the people around me though they all said that its risky, or some may say sayang naman, Iam all ready to amswer them na no, I think someone is better for the job and I have greater deals if I follow what I really want...

Without further thinking I came up with my mind and firmly decide to resign formaly, and tell on my resignation the whole thruth..

And so 2nd week of training comes, on the 2nd day i have already discuss things firmly with my superiors before going to the hr, I felt relief after ao the next day I went to the office to surrender all the things they have provided and also provided them woth my resignation letter, duri g that day they have allowed me to process my clearance so I ran to and from to differemt departments for the signature for clearance. In short I exited the company without any liabilities but the "training bond agreement " in the contract, it was discuss to meby my superiors the day before my formal exit, I was told that are you aware of the bond? And said yes Iam but what I do remember during that time was only a 17k of payment, I was not so sure that time but when I got home that day, I read the said agreement that the bond is 3 months of my basic salary. So I firmly understood the fact that it should be paid since I signed the contract that has it.

The hr during the time of my exit was also furious because he cannot belive that I was resigning immidiately, and he soley discuss all the terms and condition inside the contract, and I affirmed that I will face what ever it maybe, coz I believed that i have'nt done any damage or anythi g my superiors even suggested "medyo malaki babayaran mo, yung iba di na nag fformal exit parang awol gnagawa, para walang bond na bayaran kaso sira naman record mo nun." and then I told the hr with the suggestions and things like that and he said "di naman pwedeng ganon kase yun nga mag kaka record ka kahit wala kang ganagwa" its your choice but are you really sure" and then I affirmed "Sir ayaw ko po ng ganon na exit knowing I have good intentions of resigning naman, I trully respect the vomoany and okay naman po yung perks, kaso i feel I dont deserve this position"... As I have stated in my resignation letter

" the company is good and you provide the needs of the employee but the problem is not your company, I feel that I am notbabke to work well and be part of your growth If I cannot work and train effeciently it will be a waste of money for the company..... "
I stated clearly that my exit was all good intentions for me and to the company...

With the training bond, agter few months this august I recieved the letter and stated their i need to pay a total of morethan 44k.. My few weeks of stay was already deducted to the total cost of the overpayement.

But how it will be paid was not discuss, and i will call them by nxt week but i need to atleast have a hear from the legal side tho i totally understand the contract, my hopes of it being atleast lower than 44k is there, of course at the moment Im still looking for a job I rested my self after that resignation and just this july, was the time i started looking for a new job....then I have recieved the letter I thought it will be reviewd and some of the payemt will be waved, i never got the chance to recieved any payment or what i resigned before it happens, as my respect too with the company. Since i know I will not continue anymore.

In any chance, will there be any deductions form that 44k? Of training bond? If I will legally conault this will there be chances that this bond will be deducted? Coz actually I only got 8 days to part of the training and I am not in used of what I have learned there, tho they have explained to me that the bond was just new because some of trainees before take training then flew to somewhere else which I totally understand why they post such thing on the contract.

I hope someone can enlighten me more, despite my honesty of paying it without a doubt haha a motivation to find a job, a strong one tho..

Thank you so much for answering my queryy
Salamat pooo =)

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