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Really need legal advise please!

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1Really need legal advise please! Empty Really need legal advise please! Fri May 05, 2017 8:41 pm


Arresto Menor

Patay na ang father ko, kasal sya sa mother ko At 5 kaming magkakapatid na anak nila pero may 4 na anak sa labas ang papa ko. may 11 na paupahan si papa at gusto ng 3 anak nya sa labas na magkaroon sila ng parte dun. Nagkakagulo na kmi ngayon at inaaway nila ang nanay ko kung anu anung pamamahiya at panggugulo ginagawa nila sa pamilya namin. Bago namatay si papa nangungupahan sila samin at ngayon ayaw nila umalis gusto nila tig isa sila ng kwarto at hindi magbayad na ng upa maski ilaw. na sa tingin ko d naman pwede dahil conjugal property yun. Pls. Help anu dapat namin gawin ng mama ko at ako na bilang panganay at may bunso pa akong kapatid na 7 yrs. Old pa. Kung idadaan sa korte, anu makukuha nila at namin, magkano ang magagastos namin at maipapasara ba ang paupahan habang on process pa ang case?

2Really need legal advise please! Empty Re: Really need legal advise please! Sat May 06, 2017 1:28 am


Reclusion Perpetua

My Tagalog is bad, I understood only small part so I can't judge how strong/weak case you have.

Bring it up with the Barangay Captain. It's his work to solve such.

3Really need legal advise please! Empty Re: Really need legal advise please! Tue May 09, 2017 9:48 am


Arresto Menor

Hi My father already died and he is married to my mom they have 5 children (including me). However, my father has 3 illegitimate children (1st family), and they are asking for their part/rights because my father has 11 units of apartment (conjugal property of my parents). What can we do? Bec. They want to own 1 apartment each which I think not grantable. Should we take this on a legal process? If yes, what are the process we are going take?

4Really need legal advise please! Empty Re: Really need legal advise please! Tue May 09, 2017 4:12 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

Do you mean your father wasn't married the first time?

(Asuming there are no will.)
Is your mother still alive?
If so a 17/30 is hers, but you 5 legit children will inherit all that, while the other 3 will get nothing of it, so you 5 will get MORE than one each...

"They want to own 1 apartment each which I think not grantable."
Why?? Smile
IF these 3 children from as you say FIRST family are llegitimate, they are entilted to 1/30 each LEGALY,
BUT because THEY are from FIRST family. it's FAIR they get one appartment each, don't you think? Smile
(Because if your father had married the first, then YOU would have been llegitimate and YOU wouldn't have legal right to one each. What would you have felt about that...? Smile

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