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child support

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1child - child support Empty child support Sun Sep 11, 2016 10:56 am


Arresto Menor

Hi, I need advise po. My bf an I broke up when I was still pregnant with our child. Since then he never gave any financial assistance. After I gave birth he visit twice and thats it. He is married now with 2 kids. My child is already 11 years old. Gusto ko lang po malaman how much ang monthly na pwede idemand sa child support? meron bang certain percentage sa salary nya? I can still support my child, but I want to open an account for him for his future and dun ko balak ilagay lahat. Or can I demand him to get a college educational plan for our child?

2child - child support Empty Re: child support Sun Sep 11, 2016 11:12 am


Arresto Menor

Hindi po nakapangalan sa kanya ang bata but alam ko may karapatan parin cya for child support. Alam nya naman na sa kanya un and di nya rin dinedeny. I am willing to do a DNA test if needed.

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