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going AWOL without signing a contract

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1going AWOL without signing a contract Empty going AWOL without signing a contract Thu Aug 04, 2016 9:54 am


Arresto Menor

Natapos yung 5 months contract ko nung last day ng june then I went on a 3-week vacation after ng ENDO ko. Ngayon, nagbago ang isip ko magrenew ng contract sa agency or magpa-absorb sa company kung saan ako na-assign. Before ako umalis, nakapagsabi ako ng "oo" sa job offer ng company but now, I decided not to continue. I'm planning to send them my apologies in written since hindi naman resignation ang tawag doon dahil di ako employed or bound by contract sa agency or sa company at ayaw ko na pumasok pa ng 30 days to turn over.

Am I required to render 30 days pa kung wala naman ako pinirmahang contract after ENDO or before ako ma-renew o ma-absorb?

2going AWOL without signing a contract Empty Re: going AWOL without signing a contract Thu Aug 04, 2016 11:28 am


Reclusion Perpetua

Tapos na ang kontrata mo.

So kung wala kang pinirmahang extension dapat wala nang ibang gagawin.

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