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Contract bond/breach of contract

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1bond - Contract bond/breach of contract Empty Contract bond/breach of contract Sat Jul 30, 2016 6:16 pm


Arresto Menor

Hi attorneys,

I am a sales representative, I worked about 5 months and resigned. My reason is that my superior is bullying me. He humiliates me and my work infront of my colleagues. He always makes me feel that I'm stupid/idiot. And I always feel so insulted.

I read my contract, as stated there and as what i and my supervisor had understand. I will be on probationary period for 6 months during this period I will under go of training. After the sixth month the bond will start. I have seen that there is no conflict at all, so my supervisor signed my resignation letter. But the HR told me that I am under the bond from the first day that I was employed. May be the contract has conflict in some of its parts. So they will be collecting amount from me. I left the letter to the HR, the I rendered few weeks because it was paid in advance and as part of 30 days rendering. Then I never showed up and didn't do my clearance because i know that they will scare me.

Three weeks later i received a demand etter that In few days they will be collecting the amount by legals.

I don't have money for the said amount.
What will happen if I don't pay? Are they going to take our things?

Me and my cousin has a joint account but most of the money was his. Are they going to take that?

Do I have any chance to win the case?
Is there an act about co-workers bullying or insulting that I can depend on?

What should I do?

Please help me, thank you attorneys

2bond - Contract bond/breach of contract Empty Re: Contract bond/breach of contract Sun Jul 31, 2016 12:26 am


Reclusion Perpetua

they can take you to court. IF they win yes they can garnish your joint account. to what extent that will be up to the court to decide. yes you have a chance. best consult a lawyer if they decide to take you to court

3bond - Contract bond/breach of contract Empty Re: Contract bond/breach of contract Tue Aug 02, 2016 11:37 pm


Arresto Menor

So they will not collect from me, with in 10 day? It will be a long process and a lot of hearings? Thanks sir,

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