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Change my family surname to my biological fathers surname

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Arresto Menor

im 31 yrs old married po at may isang anak, we use the name of my mothers husband which is not my biological father and is now deceased. they were married. ano po ba proseso ng pagchange ng surname to my biological father (still alive but have family) and willing to acknowledge me as his son. need some advice po regarding this matter thanks



if your parents were legally married at the time of your conception and birth, then legally you are the son of your mother's husband. Only he can claim you are not his son.


Arresto Menor

yes they were legally married but he is already deceased, will it help my case? is there any chance po that i can change my surname?what will be the procedure po? thanks in advance



in my opinion, it cannot be done because you would be impugning your own status as a legitimate child. the law allows that to be done by only one person, the husband, and he had only 1 year to do it after you were born. after which, it is barred forever.

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