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Abandonment case for ofw wife and concubinage

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Father and 2 sons

Arresto Menor

Hello, Hope you guys can help me out with this one.

Well to start off, I guess I'm considered the guy who cheated on his wife first. But then she cheated second, and I caught them. Even now she has a boyfriend but she hides it well cause she's abroad. But my helper seen it in her phone already, if put on the spot in court I know the evidence are in her phone.

In any case, my biggest concern is my kids. I have them while she's abroad, but then she made me sign this agreement to make them be with her mom for half a week. I think this is because she wants to ask for money later on. It's her ultimate plan, to let the kids be with her mom, even though she's abroad, and ask me for money.

I'm a good father, above average. I take my kids to the mall, to the play pens, they eat jolibee or mcdonalds almost every day. They love fried chicken and the toys. I take them swimming at least once every two weeks. Yes, I do this with my long time girl friend though. And they call her Tita, never mom, and I never had another girl or plan to have another one because they love her and she takes better care of them than the actual mom.

The actual mom is a party girl, with dozens of friends, always making plans to see her friends, and then always going out dancing. Then she even comes home at 4am extremely drunk.

My girlfriend is a home type, not much friends, prioritizes me and my kids, and she helps me with my work, so she makes income from my business by getting sales.

About filing an abandonment case, I want to know if this is enough evidence. She got hired and worked abroad against my consent. When she came here on vacation for a week she got all her stuff from the house me and the kids live in and moved to her moms. So she's the one who walked out the door.

Worst of all, she never sends any money. Only to her mom, but that's to pay her loans. The mom even keeps asking me to buy everything because her money isn't enough. Her mom is the type to let the kids go to her house and ask everyone for money because the kids are there. Even my mom sent her 10k for my kids tuition, but she used it to pay her own debts.

Now she wants revenge on me, and taking all of her friends advice about getting the kids from me, and letting them live her mom. Which I know is a way for her to ask money from, her and her mom. also revenge.

But taking the kids from me, especially while she's abroad means the kids won't have a father around, the place they live is dangerous filled with snatchers and drug addicts and no real road. So I also think letting them stay there too long is dangerous for the kids.

My priority is the my son's welfare. Here's is revenge and making her friends proud of her. She said if the kids get hurt while in their mom's house it's my fault. So has a lot of blame and her revenge is to take my kids from me, and take my money also. Cause I know her friends want that to happen.

They just don't look at it from the children's point of view. That's why I want to file for abandonment and get full custody of my kids. Before she takes action also.

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