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withdrawal of application

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1withdrawal of application Empty withdrawal of application Wed May 04, 2016 9:07 pm


Arresto Menor

Just want to ask,
Pwede po ba ako magfile ng withdrawal of application kahit na nakapirma ako sa temporary contract?

Noong binigay sakin yung contract, walang sinabi na mga rules or what basta basahin daw po yung nasa temporary contract, nakalagay po doon na "2weeks training without salary or allowance"..

Napirmahan ko na then binigay ko sa HR after a day, then saka lang po nya sinabi na 1 weeks without pay ang training tapos 4 weeks 100/day ? 7:30am to 5pm ang schedule ng work..

Pwede ko bang iwithdraw ang application ko since dipa ako nagstart? Malaki po kasi ang gastos sa pamasahe palang kung aabot ng 5weeks ang training, akala ko 2 weeks lamg kaya pumirma ako.. Di ba ako makakasuhan dito?

2withdrawal of application Empty Re: withdrawal of application Thu May 05, 2016 6:42 am


Reclusion Perpetua

Sa una sinabi nila na 2 weeks without salary/allowance.

Ginawa nilang 1 week lang na walang salary/allowance.

Diba mas mabuti yun?

Ano ba ang nakalagay sa kontrata tungkol sa allowance o sweldo pagkatapos ng training?

3withdrawal of application Empty Re: withdrawal of application Thu May 05, 2016 8:17 pm


Arresto Menor

Nakalagay po sa temporary contract
*2weeks training w/o salary po

Pinapirma na din nila ako ng undertaking
*to render 3months of work after training or else i would pay 5000 pesos..

nagkaroon kami ng deal ng HR na magstart na ako by tomorrow then binigyan niya ako ng temporary contract, nakalagay sa contract na 2 weeks training. Pero pagbalik ko kanina napirmahan ko na yung contract pero iba na ang sinabi nya kanina which is 1st week walang allowance/pay then succeeding 4weeks 100/day.

"So dapat after 2 weeks start na ako ng work, 340pesos/day,
Ang pamasahe ko is 84 pesos per day .. , pumirma ako dahil sabi ng HR i can start after 2weeks training tapos nag-iba na after a day naging 5weeks ang training..

Makakasuhan or dapat ba ako magbayad?

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