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qualified theft bail

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1qualified theft bail Empty qualified theft bail Fri Apr 15, 2016 3:19 pm


Arresto Menor

my husband was arrested last april 04, 2016 at the BPO that we are currently training at (ePerformax Cebu). he was called outside by one of the trainers and was told to go to HR, where the 2 cops where waiting. He was then brought straight to the Lapulapu Police Station 2 . the police urged me to pay the bail which is according to them is set at 42k if not he will be brought to lapulapu city jail the following day, since we were not able to pay the bail, he was brought to city jail the following day. we were not given a copy of the warrant of arrest, we have not received any subpoenas prior to that. his case is qualified theft. this is what happened:
last year, middle of june, my husband edited a funeral video of his grandma as a remembrance of her. since we do not have the facilities, he went to their former employee felipe tariman who is currently working as editor, in order to use his laptop for editing. after 2 nights of working, felipe aka pepe told my husband to just bring the laptop to our house because he is going out and will have to lock his place. when my husband arrive he told me that he will just continue editing in the morning because he is tired, my kids who are computer techies, opened the laptop and upon seeing a couple of movies, asked permission if they could watch, so my husband said okay. the following morning when we woike up the laptop was gone and was nowhere to be found. i reported it to the barangay hall, all our neighbors knew and some told me that our neighbor bongbong who often goes to our place to court my teenage daughter was seen around 4am standing in front of our window which was open. i went to bongbong's close friend and ask questions, they told me that he has lots of money, so i confronted him, and he right away confessed, asked sorry and promised to look for money to get it back. everybody know that bongbong already confessed to the crime. now, the owner would want us to pay the amount of 30k, both me and my husband didnt have work then, and he (pepe) was not on talking mode, we could not reason out with him because he was really mad. bongbong then disappear because again he did something to another neighbor who vowed to kill him. late last year we moved here in cebu city to work at call center, we didnt know that pepe filed a case against my husband. and so he was arrested last week. please i really need your advice on this, my husband is still on prison.

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