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filing a criminal case ra9262

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1filing a criminal case ra9262 Empty filing a criminal case ra9262 Sat Jan 08, 2011 1:19 pm


Arresto Menor

nakapag file po ako ng criminal case sa husband ko kasi binaliwala naman po niya yung kasong isinampa ko po sa kanya regarding sa financial support..
what will happen next?...kung ayaw tlga niya suportahan anak ko?
thanks po atty

2filing a criminal case ra9262 Empty follow up on criminal case ra9262 Sat Jan 08, 2011 1:26 pm


Arresto Menor

possible po ba na kapag ayaw ng asawa ko magbigay ng financial support sa bata eh ang parents niya na lang magsupport sa anak ko...totoo po ba na pwede maka kuha ng assets/properties sa magulang niya kung ganun?thanks po

3filing a criminal case ra9262 Empty Re: filing a criminal case ra9262 Wed Jan 12, 2011 5:10 pm



where did you file this case? prosecutor's office?

when you say asawa, i assume you mean you are legally married. the child can ask support from the grandparents, but if they refuse, there will have to be a separate petition in court to compel them.

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