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Undergoing Divorce, married in the US and registered here. How can remarry here in PH?

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Arresto Menor


Help on this.

Woman is married to a Fil-Am in the US. They got married in the US and registered only here in the PH. No civil or church wedding here in the PH.

They are undergoing an uncontested divorce over in the US, how can the WIFE legally remarry here in the PH?

Does she need to be divorced in the US first? Because the WIFE and the HUSBAND are already estranged for a couple of years. The Husband is in the US and the WIFE is here in the PH.


Reclusion Perpetua

in my opinion,
even if they marry in US, if they register in Phil,
it is considered and under the Philippine laws.
I might be wrong Sad
and considering no Divorce in here, the wife can only re-marry after annulment...


Arresto Menor

LandOwner12 wrote:in my opinion,
even if they marry in US, if they register in Phil,
it is considered and under the Philippine laws.
I might be wrong Sad
and considering no Divorce in here, the wife can only re-marry after annulment...

Thank you for your reply. How difficult will that annulment process be if the husband is permanently in the US and the wife is here?


Reclusion Perpetua

1st, do you have a valid/strong ground for annulment?
2nd, this is a challenge, since the court can not easily summon someone from abroad

Arresto Menor

Kindly provide me your email and mobile number so I can better explain to you your rights under the law.

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