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Civil Wedding on another city

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1civil - Civil Wedding on another city Empty Civil Wedding on another city Mon Jan 12, 2015 11:49 am


Arresto Menor


I wanted to inquire if we can use the marriage license obtained from another city (Mandaluyong to be exact) whereas the wedding will take place somewhere in Manila City; bullet points below:

Marriage License = Obtained from Mandaluyong City
Wedding Venue = Manila Bay (Manila City)

If that is possible,
1. Who can we contact from Manila City? A judge or attorney from RTC?
2. Can a judge or attorney perform a wedding in another place other than the City Hall (it will be on Manila Bay to be exact)?
3. We welcome any recommended/suggested judge or attorney.

Thanks in advance.

2civil - Civil Wedding on another city Empty Re: Civil Wedding on another city Fri Jan 16, 2015 10:54 am

tsi ming choi

Reclusion Perpetua


1. Only Judge can solemnize civil marriages.
2. As to the venue, the judge can solemnize at any place provided, the venue is within his territorial jurisdiction.

3civil - Civil Wedding on another city Empty Re: Civil Wedding on another city Sat Jul 04, 2015 6:15 pm


Arresto Menor

Hey dear thanks for the reply to this article!! I am also going to have destination wedding and was looking for exact details. Thanks again!! It would be so exciting to get married in New York. I would like to hire the best wedding planner nyc for the wedding arrangements. Is there anyone who can recommend a good planner?

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